Australia’s workers compensation laws are complex and always evolving. Each state and territory has its own scheme. In 2023, a review of Queensland’s workers compensation scheme found some weaknesses in the system. As a result, the Workers’ Compensation and...
Am I Covered If I’m Injured on a footpath in Queensland
Every day, people in Queensland suffer an injury while they’re using public footpaths. Many injuries are simple cuts and bruises, but others are more serious – broken bones, or even brain or spinal injuries. It’s important to know whether you can make a compensation...
Can I make a WorkCover claim for mental health?
Every business is required to hold workers compensation insurance, or WorkCover, to cover them if their employees are injured or become ill on the job. Most people think of physical injuries when they think of WorkCover, but there are other harmful injuries that staff...
Returning to work after a WorkCover claim
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians says that the longer an employee is away from work after an injury, the less likely it is that they will return. After 20 days away, there is a 70% chance they will return – but only 35% chance after 70 days. Additionally,...
Leading causes of Injury in Queensland
Queensland is a large state with many diverse areas, including cities, beaches, hinterland and rural/outback towns. Due to this diversity, a wide range of injuries can occur on any given day. Some injuries occur around the home, while others occur in public places, in...
WorkCover Explained
If you can’t work due to an injury or illness on the job, you will lose your income while you get treated and recover. You still have to pay for your mortgage, bills, medical treatment and rehabilitation, and other expenses without a regular wage. WorkCover can make...
My WorkCover Claim Was Denied
If you’re injured doing work on the Gold Coast or Brisbane, the WorkCover workers compensation scheme could help you pay your medical expenses and provide you with lost income while you recover. But what happens if your WorkCover claim is rejected? Or what if they...
How to File a Personal injury Claim in Queensland
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision and it wasn’t your fault you will need to submit a CTP insurance claim to the insurer of the driver who was at-fault. It is important to contact a Brisbane lawyer who will help you with the steps that you will need...
Personal Injury and Damages Claims in NSW and Queensland
Motor vehicle accidents are an unfortunate part of driving on NSW and Queensland’s busy roads. Often, they cannot be avoided as there are many negligent drivers who do not pay full attention to traffic conditions. Some of the most common causes of a motor vehicle...
Am I Entitled to WorkCover if I Contract COVID-19?
Workplaces are fortunate in Queensland because cases of COVID-19 have remained very low compared to others states. The state government has generally responded quickly when a COVID-19 outbreak is detected and has acted quickly to protect Queenslanders. However there...