Motorcycle Injury Compensation

Motorcycle accident injuries are some of the highest road injuries in Queensland. Unfortunately, many of these accidents result in the fatality of a rider and/or pillion passenger.

On average, 936 riders are hospitalised in Queensland alone (2016/2017 data). The obvious reasons are that motorcycles do not have the outer protection that a car has and the human body is in direct contact with other road users and the environment.

This can then result in significant injuries to a person that require lengthy stays in hospital and ongoing rehabilitation treatments. These medical services can become expensive over time and put financial pressure on people.

The good news is that if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, you can make a claim for compensation.

What are the compensation amounts that can be claimed?

Compensation comes in a number if different levels depending on the type of injury and how severe it is. 

The Main Lawyers Compensation Calculator is the quickest way to get an idea of the potential claim you can make. 

Our injury compensation professionals here at Main Lawyers are always here to help and make sure you get the most out of your claim. If you’d like to book a free consultation just give us a call or contact us today

What’s the process to make a compensation claim?

Step number one is to make sure the accident is reported to the police. All parties involved in the car crash must fill out a car accident police report if someone is injured. In the instance that an injury wasn’t detected at the scene, the report can be required to be done at a later date by all involved. For more on police reporting for car accidents check out the QLD police website

Next, you will be required to have your doctor or GP take a record of both the accident and any injuries you sustained in that particular incident. This step is essential as you will need proof that your injuries are real and were from the accident in question. Your doctor can then provide you with a medical certificate to proceed further.

Lastly, engaging an expert lawyer to help you with your claim is the more important step. Although the process can be done without the help of a lawyer your chances of a successful claim drop dramatically. Your lawyer will be able to help you with the Notice of Accident Claim Form (for non-fatal injuries) which will require some legal expertise.

Main Lawyer’s personal injury experts are always here and ready to help with your claim. For more info give us a call or book a free consultation today

Whether your symptoms were masked by shock or developed later, you may still bring a neck injury compensation claim. It’s also important to be aware that a personal injury compensation claim should be made as soon as possible after the incident and within three (3) years of the incident. Claims outside the three (3) year period are typically difficult to win but the lawyers at Main Lawyers specialise in these limitations issues and may still be able to bring a claim on your behalf. Safety is paramount when riding your bike. The QLD Department of Transport provides useful information for riders here.

Make a motorcycle injury compensation claim here

For more information on motorcycle injury compensation, contact the team from Main Lawyers today for a FREE consultation.

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