3 Years is the Maximum Time for a Car Accident Claim

There is a reasonably generous time of 3 years allowed for a car accident claim to be filed, which should give the accident victim enough time to gather sufficient information about the car accident so that the claim is more likely to be successful. To be sure the claim is made within the set time frame a car accident lawyer can help you through the difficult process. While there are exceptions, every day past the 3 year time limit makes is ever more difficult to overcome this limitation. 

A car accident lawyer in Gold Coast or Brisbane plays a key role in helping local victims when a car accident takes place. Victims of accidents are often involved in heated debates about who is to blame but a personal injury lawyer can calm the situation and help to prevent any irrational discussion about the event while a solution is being sought.

How can a personal injury lawyer help in a car accident?

To avoid any pitfalls when a car accident takes place it is important to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. This gives the lawyer the chance to sort out both disinformation and reliable facts about the accident and also check what has been written in the police report.

Establishing the facts of the car accident

One of the key features of a car accident is proving if one of the drivers involved drove in a negligent manner which caused the accident to take place. Proving negligence and confirming the facts about the accident is where a car accident lawyer can offer a valuable service to their client. The car accident lawyer in Brisbane or Gold Coast will be able to view any CCTV footage, read eye-witness reports and assess the injuries to his/her client and damage to the car. The sooner the victim contacts a car accident lawyer the better the outcome and the higher chance the case will be filed within the time frame given.

Insurance claims need a car accident lawyer

Personal injury claims usually involved negotiations with the at-fault driver’s insurer. Without the help of a car accident lawyer the insurer will do everything it can to avoid paying a settlement. At times there is the possibility that insurers will fight. It will try to fabricate an excuse for not paying the requested compensation until the victim gives up or the time runs out to file a claim. 

A personal injury lawyer will ensure that the right evidence is provided proving who caused the accident so the insurer cannot dispute the facts. A car accident lawyer in Gold Coast or Brisbane will try to reach an out of court settlement, but if the insurer does not cooperate the case will be taken to court to win a successful claim for the car accident victim.

What to do in a car accident

To help the car accident lawyer file a claim on your before within the 3-year time frame it is useful to provide some information about the car accident such as:

  • handwritten notes containing any conversation with the at-fault driver;
  • a sketch which reveals how the accident took place;
  • photographs of the accident scene and any vehicle damage;
  • the at-fault driver’s vehicle details, including licence number and insurance coverage (both CTP and comprehensive insurance, if available);

It is important to keep quiet at the accident scene until you have a car accident lawyer present. Do make sure you report the accident to your insurer, even if you have no intention of filing a claim.

One of the important features of car accident lawyers in Gold Coast or Brisbane is that they rarely ask for upfront fees, but work on a no-win no-fee basis, so you only pay the lawyer’s fees if a settlement is won.

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